The majority of the build group got together plus one to help paint the ramp. Scoffman’s next door neighbor Joe gave us a 5 gallon bucket of outdoor primer paint for wood to us. Thanks Joe! So for 5hrs we just painted the ramp and got the majority of the structure all painted.
January 18, 2008
Finally! After a long wait and some delays with our filmer we were able to grab one of our friends filmer from to help film for a short period today.
We were beginning construction on the landing bank today and were running 2 saws through the same outlet at once to make up for the short amount of time that we had to build with. So no more than 5 mins into cutting the circuit breakers blew out! We flipped all the switches and that didn’t help, we decided to swap outlets and one of the saws started working then. But after halfway cutting a 16ft piece of a 8x4 in half Scoffman blew out the extension cord.
Just one incident after another, needless to say nothing much happened in the 3hrs we had that day except we got all the wood cut for the bank and all that needs to be done is to assemble it and build the runway.
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