March 29, 2009 View more photos at: www.flickr.com/minimegaramp
The main thing that was crazy about today was the wind! Holy smokes! Working up 12ft in the air with constant 15MPH winds with sometime 30MPH gusts was intense! Other notes is Dan the filmer wasn’t able to come today so we enlisted the help of an additional builder to help film. Cesear Tapia is the name and filming is not quite his skill. Haha He did alright, but audio was shot because of all the wind. Dylan and Rhett also showed up to help today.

Mainly we started construction on the new rollin because the old one wasn’t high enough for the new runway. Rhett and I started building the front and back support sets for the rollin as Dylan started prepping the old one to be removed. Yeap were going to drop the 6ft rollin 12ft to the ground and replace it with its new 8.5ft brother.

After we got the pieces made me and Dylan finished removing the screws and plates that held the rollin in and in a big push rolled it off so it came crashing to the ground! It was a epic scene for the project. Next was fun and well interesting. Especially with all the wind we were going to try to install the back section of the rollin. I tied a rope to the very top of the section for some to check incase it tried to roll away of tip over once in place. We hauled it up and Rhett and Dylan were on top of the runway helping to pull it up. I got the feet at their new bases and we started pushing the piece up so it stood tall. Unfortunately we weren’t tall enough to really do that so John. The photographer who’s been taking all these amazing photos of the project came out to help out.

An that’s mainly all that happened on Day 16 not much but some pretty epic carnage of the old rollin. We’ll be takin it apart and using the 2x4s in there and re using them in the new rollin and the runway as you’ll see in the film.