Wow finally time we started work on the runway to rollin section. I've been pushing to get it done and finally figured that we can try to get it done with only 2 people(including myself) it was a scary concept. Having to haul a 4x8ft section that weight about 50lbs up on to a slanted slope was going to be no easy task.
We had yet another new builder join the crew. Dylan Bittner an 18yr old talented vert skater WITH prior building experience was joining me today and probably had a harder job than he knew he was getting into. More than I even really knew. Starting the day off introducing him to the ramp, what the plans were for the day and after that he voiced his concerns about it and poping open a few Monsters we got to work.

We got to work be beginning on the intial transition leading up the runway. It wasn't at the same angle to the next runway section so basically we stripped it of all its old plywood braces and replaced it with solid 2x4s, also raised it about 3inces to match the same angle as the intial transition. It took us a bit longer than expected but we got it done and out of the way with. Next was the hard part, trying to get the 50lbs runway piece up and bolted in.

For safety reasons I screwed in 2, 2x4s near the front of wear it was going to be added. So that way Dylan can hold it up in the back and the 2 front posts would hold near its position while I tryed to finesse the piece into place and line up the bolt holes getting it were it needed to be. Dylan prepared and got on the runway(I screwed in some 2x4s to place his feet on) I picked up the piece over my back and pushed it up to him.

Slowly but surely I pushed it farther up the structure and it started closing Dylan in till he was pinned against the ramp! The poor guy was trying to hold it in place so it didn't slide down and I rushed around to the bottom of the structure and tryed to maneuver it around the 2x4s I just installed. Quickly picking it up and trying to lifting it over those support legs. Dylan is the kind of guy that as he would say "I'm just skin an bones. I have no muscle!" He pulled a Hulk while laughing though the whole ordeal. haha Being pinned under the ramp he pulled the piece up and pushed up the section above his head! I did my best to quickly insert the bolt to stabilize the front and we took a small break. haha we laughed at how rediculous it was. Getting back on it we grabbed to other 2x4s that I already cut and screwed them into the structure so he could rest his back end on them.

Whew! Talk about tension Dlyan looked like "Mr. Planet" or something holding his pose with the ramp above him haha But no the man was sore so he took a break while I started adjusting some of the support posts so the ramp was at the correct height and WOW adjusting it to the new angle is going to make the rollin higher..were estimating about 18-19ft now. Dlyan came back a short while later and helped level out the piece we just added. Next step was to add the cross braces to keep it from shifting and swaying side to side. After the hardest part was over we wanted to skate the thing before the sun fully set. My and dylan quickly grabbed a piece of ply and cut one to size and "tap" screwed them down onto the unplyed section. This is where we noticed a problem.

Were the first runway piece met with the one we had just added today, they didn't line up correctly..........................Not a good sign. One was off by about 2 inches. The reason is we didn't bother to stiffen and straighten out the first piece so the warping was never fixed. It was the end of the build day so we decided to save the fixin for another day and skated it anyways just getting a feeling for it we started mid way up the built runway and almost made it up to the lip of the ramp. Dylan's ankle was recovering from a fall and didn't want to test it from the top...but I did. It was a bit sketchy, no rollin, just basically stepping on my board from a steep angle. Pumping out and grabbing my board I got about 10ft out from the ramp! I was stoked to finally be able to get it partially rideable again! It has been a long time.
The sun way setting and we all put in a good 5hrs of hard work. It was a good day to finally see runway come together and it had grown now also cause of the angle change. Dylan was sore and Dan was not so tired this time around though the battery kept on dieing. Didn't get a full charge the night before and John(the photographer) was still snapp-in shots till the days end.

Looking forward to the next build day when we will fixing the line up problem with the runway pieces and adding another runway piece to the runway.
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