So I was back doing prep work and since I wasn't exactly counting on all the builders showing up for this coming day I figure I'd prep the landing bank incase. Removed the old 3/4inch ply stips that were being used as tension bars and with every support beam I added 2x4 cross braces. I also painted an ass load of wood. Big rain is expected and I didn't want anything else to be put under the weather until it was covered in the latex paint. I ended up painting....
x2 8'x8' runway pieces for the landing bank
x The rest of the landing bank itself
x The rest of the landing bank itself
x2 Sheets of plywood
x1 Last runway piece for the launch ramp

I also continued past all that and cut the launch ramp down to size. It was at 8ft 6inches and was going to launch skaters off at too high an incline. Its has now been nocked down to 6ft 8inches which sets it up at the perfect angle to appraoch and land on the bank. An picked the bank off the ground to rest on some concrete blocks, then started leveling it out. It was alot of work to do by yourself in 8 hours.
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