Saturday, March 14, 2009

Making plans

Dylan came over the other day to help with some prep work. We did some painting of another sheet of ply and added it to the next runway piece. We also worked on reinforcing the launch ramp and discused the problem we discovered last time on Build Day 14 Mainly the runway on the ground (flatbottom including the launch ramp) is at a diffrent angle compared to the runway pieces on the support structure that is concreted into the ground.

We decided that it be best to move the whole flatbottom to the stuctures angle. Obvious choice since the struture is conreted and can't be moved. So we will have to make these changes next build day. Dylan and I also rotated the last runway piece 180 degrees cause it was put in the wrong way. Wasn't too hard this time around but it was getting dark fast and we only mounted one of the support legs in. Just a chill time for about 2hrs getting some small work done on the mini mega....

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