Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another Flake Day

Well weather man said it was suppose to rain on our build day, so i told everyone that we probably were not going to build, but just in case I would give them all a call today and let them know.
To my surprise it was nice cold damp and sunny out in the morning! Heck yes! We can have a build day and get the runway installed and finished! So we had some new builders planned to come and help with the ramp. This day was going to be a really difficult one cause we have to haul really heavy pieces up the runway and mount them in place. An if the ramp wasn't completely dry it would be to dangerous(it had rain a whole inch the last day!)
An no one answered there phones over the next few hours....I'm disappointed but I guess its my fault on this one. I told them we probably wouldn't build so they most likely crashed and slept too the afternoon...
As of right now I'm with Dan doing some editing for the next video update. It goes over the prep that I do personally to set up for the build days to make sure they move smoothly..Lot of good info in this keep your eyes peeled for it. Till next time

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